Saturday, 29 April 2017

EXPERIMENT 2: Image Captures and Architecture

The rectalinear floor was inspired by Sejima's Rolex Centre and it's successful use of framing viewpoints. 

 Urban Context

Niemeyer's work often embraced a recurrent use of bold curvilinear forms that would contrast distinctively with the environment. As such I decided to incorporate repetitive wooden curves. The size combined with the geometry, contrasts with the urban context in an attempt to disorient the public. The thin wooden strips accentuate the curvilinear composition, whilst giving a sense that it etches into the 2 rectilinear planes. 


This station seeks to optimise the permeation of natural light through geometric roof cut-outs. The idea stems from Kazuyo Sejima’s prominent display of consistent lighting across rectilinear planes. As such the structure is sustainable through its overall lowered energy consumption. 

 Relation to Axonometric Drawings

After joining the axonometric drawings, based of Sejima and Niemeyer’s work, deciding upon a full structure became clearer. Experimenting with recurring geometries led me to forming my curvilinear component. The 2 suspended planes (roof and floor) seek to optimise natural lighting as well as incorporate grass.

Link to Sketchup Model:

18 Axonometric Drawings

1. Concept:  Bold forms aid and reciprocate an emotional impact on the viewer 

                          2. Concept:    Utilising large sculptural volumes to heighten the experience of space  (Left)

                     3. Concept:   Unique geometries contrast with the surrounding environment (Right)

4. Concept: Permeating consistent natural light throughout the space to disorient the viewer (Left)

5. Concept: Interior is ‘topographic’ in form, mimicking the natural environment (Right)

6. Concept:Utilising transparency to invite light at specific points throughout a  space

Joint Axonometric Drawings: 

(1 + 6)

(2 + 5)

(3 + 4)

Chosen Joint Axonometric: 

This was the most striking combination to me. The structure retained links to sustainability and Urban Context, through its cutouts and boldness (respectively). The multilateral plane was also somewhat reminiscent of Kazuyo Sejima's Rolex Center and how she managed to frame viewpoints across a singular plane. The bold curvaceous form flanking the plane both provides structural integrity, while also working as an 'envelope' that is almost intimidating for the viewer. What once seemed like 2 clashing forms, could now instead work as an entire symbiotic structure. 

Experiment 2: 36 Textures

Experiment 2: 2 Concepts

SANAA- Rolex Learning Centre (Led by Kazuyo Sejima)

Kazuyo Sejima

Chosen Theme: Sustainability 
Concept: Utilising transparency to invite light at specific points throughout a space

1.       Framing vantage points at different heights to control view

2.       Contrasting Artificial interior Light with natural exterior light

3.       Interior is ‘topographic’ in form, mimicking the natural environment

4.       Permeating consistent natural light throughout the space to disorient the viewer

5.       Utilising transparency to invite light at specific points throughout a space

(Note: These are the 5 concepts organised by importance/purpose. Of the 5 concepts, I chose the one that best links to the chosen theme of Sustainability.)

(Also note that by 'transparency', I am referring to both the literal use of glass as well as the way the building has utilised cutouts, openings and voids in order absorb daylight.) 

Oscar Niemeyer- Army Headquaters

Oscar Niemeyer

 Concept: Bold forms aid and reciprocate an emotional impact on the viewer

1.       Bold forms aid and reciprocate the emotional impact on the viewer

2.       Utilising large sculptural volumes to heighten the experience of space 

3.       Encouraging ‘fluid vectors’ for the viewer through curvaceous forms

4.       Unique geometries contrast with the surrounding environment

5.       Using vivid colours sporadically throughout the building

(Note: These are the 5 concepts organised by importance/purpose.)

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Week 3: 2 Drafts

Week 3: 36 Custom Textures

Week 2: The Stair

Here are the 2 final Stair designs I have chosen to go with for my Idea.

Stair 1.

Stair 2. 

Week 1: 18 Drawings

1. Above: Refractive
2. Bottom: Rhythmic

3. Above: Refractive
4. Bottom: Ribbon

5. Above: Refractive
6. Bottom: Elongating

7. Above: Rhythmic
8. Bottom: Contort

9. Above: Amalgamation
10. Bottom: Rhythmic

11. Above: Contort
12. Bottom: Elongating

13. Above: Amalgamation
14. Bottom: Elongating

15. Above: Ribbon
16. Bottom: Amalgamation

17. Above:  Ribbon
18. Bottom: Contort